Hydrochloric Acid

Cas No: 7647-01-0           
EINESC No: 231-595-7
Molecular weight: 36.46 g/mol  

Chemical Formula: HCl
Chemical Structure:

Physical Properties

General Properties: Colorless, fuming, transparent liquid

Odor: Strong, irritant

Intensity: 1,15 g/mL3

Boiling point: Depends on concentration

Melting point: Depends on concentration

Flash point:

Vapor pressure: Depends on concentration

Refraction index: Depends on concentration

Solubility (aqueous) completely miscible

General Properties

Hydrochloric acid is a aqueous of hydrogene chlorine and it is a commonly used acid. It’s natural from is gaseous therefore, it is sold in aqueous solution form. It chemical properties vary depending on its solvent’s concentration. It is also commonly known as spirit of salt and it has been used sine very early times. It is the acid that is responsible for digestion in animals and humans. When mixed with nitric acid, it forms and acid called aqua regia.


As mentioned above, hydrochloric acid is aqueous solution of hydrogene chlorine. Therefore, hydrogene clorine must be acquired first for its production. Although there are other methods to acquire it, genereally it is acquired as byproduct of chlorine alkali reactions, which is used for acquiring other chemicals. It is generally produced in 38% concentration. Although it is chemically  possible to produce it over 40%, its vaporization is increased thus, requiring extra pressure and low temperature. This is not preferred because it increases the cost. 30% – 35% are determined as the most fruitful amounts. In cleaning products, it is used with 10% or 12% concentration.


Hydrochloric acid is a commonly used chemical. It is used as rust remover in steel production and it is applied to steel by pickling after rust is cleaned. It is also used as chlorine source in many organic substances like vinyl chloride and it is used as acid-base reactions of many in inorganic material. It is used as pH stabilizer in many different reactions as it is a good acid. Aside from these, it is also used in battery production, cleaning tools, leather trade and petrochemistry.

Safety Measues and Toxic Values

 Although hydrochloric acid vary in different effects depending on its concentration, it is highly irritant to eyes and skin. It may cause permanent blindness and it may cause serious injuries if it contacts with skin. Its steam must not be inhaled as it is vaporized easily in high concentrations. Otherwise, it may cause serious upper airway and lung injuries. It must be stored carefully due to its smoke, and its containers must be closed tightly. It must be stored in non-metal containers as it is highly abrasive to metal and the place which it is stored must be well-aired.