Sodium Tripolyphosphate (STPP)

Cas No: 7758-29-4           
EINESC No: 100.028.944
Molecular weight: 367.864 g/mol  

Chemical Formula: Na5P3O10
Chemical Structure:

Physical Properties

General Properties: White powder

Odor: odorless

Intensity: 2,52 g/cm3

Boiling point:

Melting point: 622 °C

Flash point:

Vapor pressure:

Refraction index:

Solubility (aqueous) 14,5 g / 100 mL (25 ° C)


General Properties

Sodium tripolyphosphate is an organic salt which is sodium salt of triphosphoric acid. It can be found in dehydrated form or a complex of 6 water molecules. Its pH value is above 10. It causes eutrophification when it cumulates in water. Therefore, it threatens underwater life by lowering oxygen amounts in backwaters. For this reason, it is not preferred in detergent usage.


Sodium tripolyphosphate is produced by reaction of disodium phosphate and monosodium phosphate under stoichiometric amounts and delicate conditions. 2 million tons of it is produced every year.


Sodium tripolyphosphate is used as extender in detergents. It is a very good ion immobilizer for removing Mg+2 and Ca+2 ions in hard waters. It is also good at removing filth. It is also used in washing liquid, laundry detergent and toothpaste productions.

STPP is also commonly used as hemuctant emulgator in food additive substance production.

It is also used in china, leather trade, incombustibility materials, rubber production, fermentation, antifreeze and anti corrosion produciton.

Safety Measures and Toxic Values

Sodium tripolyphospate may be irritant if it is swallowed or inhaled due to it being a light alkali. It is also hazardous for eyes and skin.

It is not preferred in water purification facilities because it dissolves in water. It also threatens underwater life because it causes eutrophication in backwaters.